A New Challenge

April 6, 2022

I had been wanting to set a challenge for myself to wake up at 5am, but I kept on either snoozing, or staying up too late for it to be sensible.

Then, I went out of town.

Needless to say, that challenge did not begin a few weeks ago when the desire was formed, but it’s been nagging at me everyday.

Then, on one fateful Monday afternoon, I was on a Praxis Monday call, and they asked the prompt, “What would your perfect morning routine look like?”

Then, they challenged us to commit to it for the month.

I don’t know if it was timely, or random, but it was perfect.

Why Wake Up at 6am?

I love my sleep, and I’ve been a night owl since as long as I can remember, but I am much more productive in the morning.

That was my “duh” moment.

I thought about it long and hard, and the ability for me to read, stretch, plan my day, and pause before I jump into my long day is INCREDIBLE.

It makes so much of a difference.

When I save my work for the later hours of the evening, I am usually depleted from the rest of the day.

I realized that I have to be strategic about how I spend my time.

I guess I’m no longer going to consider myself a night owl!