Maximize Every Opportunity

“Learn to sell. Learn to build. If you can do both, you will be unstoppable.”

“It’s not about having the right opportunities. It’s about handling the opportunities right.” – Mark Hunter

Selling is Universal

It is not confined to a single field or person. It is not about manipulation nor profit. Selling is about relationships. It is about creating value for someone else and effectively communicating that value.

Recently, someone explained to me: Sales is about easing people’s defenses enough so that they can hear your side of the story. Many people believe that sales is about getting others to see something the way that you see it. In actuality, sales is about meeting people within their worldview.

In their world, they are the hero, and you are like a genie, offering something to facilitate their success. They get to decide if it suits them or not, and you support them anyway.

The end goal in sales is not the money, nor the product, it is the rapport built between persons.

Building Diminishes Obstacles and Creates Opportunity

Building is the second key to being unstoppable because it diminishes the size of your obstacles. If you know how to create, you don’t have to wait for anyone else to assist you. You are free to execute whenever and however you choose.

Building can take many different forms, but ultimately it is about creation — creating videos, photography, articles, books, podcasts, systems, apps, businesses, etc.

The ability to build gives you power because it increases opportunity. Increased opportunity means an increased chance of success.