Small Town Nights

April 17, 2022

I used to hate the small town I grew up in, but that’s a story for another time.

I only spent 4years there, but those were some of the most pivotal years in my childhood. That small town is written into my history, and though I used to hate it, now I embrace it.

Small towns are nice because everything moves slowly.

The atmosphere feels still…at peace…quiet.

Coming from many big cities, and a hectic work-life (personal and professional), I approach that stillness with more appreciation than I used to.

I don’t think I could live there perpetually, but it reminds me that sometimes slowing down is necessary.

You don’t have to slow everything down, you just have to allow yourself to regulate itself.


There’s a simplicity that exists in small towns. People live simply and they appreciate simple pleasures.

Maybe it’s because of the philosophy of a small town. Maybe — simple town, usually simple philosophy (not to over-generalize), maybe something like “good is good, bad is bad.”

Maybe this has to do with the fact that there’s less to react to, and there’s often more predictability in a small town. Maybe that makes certain things more simplistic.

Maybe it’s the opportunities that used to be available in small towns versus big cities. Maybe it’s the resources allocated to each…

I’m not sure what accounts for the difference in outlook of life, but when I go back and forth, I come to appreciate each for it’s unique value-add.