The Big Fat Lie

March 31, 2022

Who do you want to be?

I live and breathe the things I want to learn.


Because I don’t just want to learn how to do new things. I want to learn how to be something new.

After years of behaving a certain way, it’s natural to think — “That’s just the way I am.”

But it’s not.

could be different. You could be different.

We might have impulses, but our impulses don’t define us…our choices do.

The minute that you recognize that you don’t have to be anyone or anything, you free yourself.

It takes time, but eventually, you build up different habits, and your perception of self evolves.

Your Circumstances Can Change

Your circumstances change as you change. That’s what I’ve learned.

If you want different circumstances, different surroundings, a different life…then you have to change.

On a macro-level, most people want change. Most people look at the world we live in, and recognize that something’s off.

And yet, where do you begin?


One year ago, I was in the car with my dad and we were talking about the world. “Something’s off,” I told him.

Then I tried to think about all of the ways I could influence that something.


There was nothing that I felt like I could do immediately to change things.

I remember thinking about the 8 years it would take to become a doctor, trying to strategize ways to fast-track that process.

I remember thinking about how long it would take me to rise in the ranks of a company — too long.

I felt helpless.

The Biggest Lie in The World

The biggest lie in the world is that we can’t do anything as young people.

Young people mold the world.

We usher in new possibilities, challenge “truths,” and test limits.

It’s about sifting through what we’ve been handed, intentionally choosing what is right, and letting go of what is wrong.

A better world does not exist outside of young people. It doesn’t exist outside of you.

You Can Only Change Yourself

When you think you can’t change anything, you’re half right.

You can’t change other people and you can’t change what already exists.

You can, however, change yourself, and what may exist in the future.

Stop accepting certain choices.

Stop showing up as less than. Make the choices to stand for what you want to see in the world. Become it before it’s easy.

That’s how real change occurs — one person at a time.

Decide what you want the world to look like.

Commit to becoming the person who exists in that world.

Then, watch as the world around you changes. One person can do much more than he/she dares to imagine.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
