Why I Started a Second Podcast

March 30, 2022

Last night I dreamt about SaaS and partnerships.

This morning I decided to start a SaaS podcast.

It wasn’t the dream, though.

I decided to start a SaaS podcast because it’s how I’m going to fast-track my growth.

Why Start ANOTHER Podcast?

That’s a valid question, and some people may be asking it.

To tell you the truth, this has to do with me and failing.

I hate failing.

Ever since I was a kid, I didn’t allow myself to fail. Even when I was doing something I hated, I would do just enough so that I wouldn’t fail.

My adult understanding of failure is that you can’t really fail until you stop trying. That, though, doesn’t mean that the small fails aren’t painful.

Forced Growth

I tend to put myself in positions where my two options are growth or failure.

I would highly recommend it.

You never know how capable you are until you challenge yourself, and it’s been my experience that you always underestimate your capacity.

Nothing feels better than climbing a mountain you didn’t think you could climb.

I’ve Approached a New Mountain

Like I said before, I have a tendency to put myself in situations where I either grow or fail.

My new role is just that.

I’m jumping, headfirst, and I would be dumb not to.

Right now, I have the ability to learn the inner-workings of an industry that touches everyone’s day-to-day. Not to mention, I am working with people who have become experts in their crafts.

This is a once in a lifetime moment that determines everything going forward.

Note To The Young

Young people enter college thinking that they have 4-5 years before they have to think about their lives.

That’s not true.

You should always be thinking about what kind of life you want to live, and what choices amount to that life.

Life is actually fun. It’s a lie that it’s not.

Maybe that was the old world, but it sure as heck isn’t today’s world.

In the old world, it was true that you would work for 40+ years, waiting for retirement.

Now, you don’t have to wait to enjoy your life.

It is actually possible to enjoy your work.

Stop wanting to push away the idea of work because someone else told you that you couldn’t enjoy it.

You won’t enjoy work that you settle for. That’s true. Otherwise, though, work is just effort.

What do you want to give your effort to?

Why Another Podcast?

I’m starting another podcast because, for me to excel in this role I have to fully commit to it.

I have to focus and commit to growing beyond the natural pace.

“Stand on the shoulders of giants.”
