Why Start With Why

Start With Why by Simon Sinek is an International Best Seller. It’s read, referenced, and commended by many.

I picked up the book, and finally committed to reading the whole thing because I had a problem and I thought it might be able to help me solve it.

I’m not opposed to working hard and committing, but I was drained. My spirit and fervor were being depleted daily.

I turned to this book because my initial thought was that I might not have a strong enough resolve. As Jung? said, “He who has a strong enough why can bear any how.”

I knew my existing why didn’t feel strong enough to withstand the weight of “any how,” so maybe my why needed a revisit.

The book was a game-changer.

The book’s main theme is captured in this quote:

“Why must come first. Why provides the context for the what.”

Sinek explained that “everyone and everything thinks, acts, and communicates from the inside, out.”

It’s the unconscious things that are immensely important. because we can’t be conscious all day, everyday.

A good why codifies itself into your being, so even when your not consciously thinking of it, it’s guiding you.

If you start by asking yourself why, you are intentional about what’s being codified into your subconscious.

This is one of those staple books everyone should read.