Building an Audience

My company is a startup serving B2B partnership professionals. Partnerships is not a well-documented field, and it’s changing rapidly which means that people are looking for relevant information.

Given our desire to provide that information, we’re trying to build an audience.

Originally, I understood that building an audience took time, and that it was a result of value offered.

Now, I realize that the only way to provide immense value is to understand the target audience as closely as you might understand a best friend.

If I’m honest, as a newbie in the space, it wasn’t initially easy for me to do that.

It’s all about proximity, though.

I need to be positioning myself well.

I need to make sure that I know what matters to partnerships people, why it matters, what their bottom line is, and how they best achieve that.

I need to find the moments in their workflow that become harder because they don’t have specific, necessary information, and I need to provide that for them.

When you build an audience, you’re amassing a number of people that give you their time and attention — the most valuable resources in the world.

You have to make it worth that trade. If it’s not, people won’t come back.

Aware of the immense value I’m trying to provide, I’m always on the lookout for more ways to get aligned with my target audience.

How can I understand them more?

Ultimately that’s how I’ll be able to strategically give more.