What if you just left?

What if you just went away…

if you left behind everything you knew and loved…

all of the expectations and pressure…

where would you go?

who would you become?

For the past month, I found myself alone and in a new place. While there, I grew in ways I didn’t expect myself to, and feel like I came back a different person.

If I were to psychoanalyze myself, I think that the geographical space between me and everything I grew up around gave me the space to feel like I could choose something new if I wanted to.

There wasn’t that voice in my head telling me who people thought I was or could and should be. I was just me, with myself, deciding who to be in each moment.

There wasn’t the town that reminded me of where I came from, or tethered me to who people are “supposed” to become.

There was just me, and I felt free.

That’s why I think everyone needs to go away.

Who do you become when you’re not told who to be?

Who do you become when you get to completely choose?

I don’t think many people give themselves the space to answer that question…but I think that answering thee question is imperative.