A Passionately Curious Human, Seeking The Contentment Of A Life Well Lived.

Listen to my podcast to join me on the journey.

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Hey, I'm Micaela

In Pursuit of the Good, the True, and the Beautiful

I believe when individuals flourish, societies flourish. I want to learn what it means for individuals to flourish, why, and how we can create systems that better support individual human flourishing.


I Write On The Topics I Believe Enrich My Life

What do you want?
It looks like one question, but it’s actually two. Throughout your life, you’ll ask yourself this question...
Quality Is Required But No Longer Sufficient
In Seth Godin’s book, This Is Marketing, he mentions that quality isn’t enough of a differentiator. “Quality...
What Is Space?
What is space? Not outer space, visual space. The space you find in art, in-between buildings, and...
Philosophy Is For The Uncompliant
Why do you love? Why do you work? Why do you strive? Without philosophy, we don’t answer those...
How I Clarified My Mission
Copywriting is about writing simply. It’s not hard to write a paragraph. It is hard to write one great...
My Chair That Almost Became Decor
As I’m writing this, I’m cross-legged in one of my favorite chairs. This chair overlooks my bedroom and...
Man's Search for Meaning - #1
#1 – The Universal Search for Meaning Spotify Apple Podcast Google...
Where To Start Learning Something New
If you’ve ever tried to learn something new, breaking through is usually the hardest part. Where do...
Color and Color Wheels
I’m teaching myself Graphic Design, and I realized that I didn’t soak up much from my 8th grade art class. Color...
Why Start With Why
Start With Why by Simon Sinek is an International Best Seller. It’s read, referenced, and commended by...
Philosophers Explain Philosophy
I stumbled onto a podcast called Philosophy Bites, and the topic of inquiry was What is Philosophy. Intrigued,...
How Computers Basically Work
You pop open your laptop, and you begin crafting a well-thought out email. Then you stop. You realize...
Why Some People Hate Rousseau’s Philosophy
In the past two weeks I’ve heard the name Rousseau too many times not to do some research. People have...
What if you just left?
What if you just went away… if you left behind everything you knew and loved… all of the expectations...
Why Rules Matter...kind of
I hate rules. Or at least I used to think I did. I didn’t hate rules. I just hated the rules I had...

The In Bloom Podcast

For the Passionately Curious. Focused on Growth. Seeking the Magic of A Life Well Lived.

Join me in my pursuit of sense-making.


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